Before I started my site with Site Build It, neither I had the technical expertise to choose the correct tools required for my site, nor the money to buy them. Without a mentor, I wasted lot of time and some money under the influence of Get Rich Quick Schemes and internet marketing hype.
By this time, I came across the webhost known as Site Build It! ("SBI!") for making my site on yoga. It provided me a comprehensible package for brainstorming site concept, site building, hosting, search engine optimisation and monetisation. All the guidance was available for making the site that can deliver a profitable business. There were all the tools required and requirement of any other software purchase was not envisaged.
Availability of step by step instructions, all the tools, fully functional site builder and an action guide made the task much easier.
When you make a site with SBI, you forget about technology and can concentrate on writing quality content for your site.
Click here to see the video tour, exhaustive introduction to process of site making.
The site building process is made simpler so that a newbie can also follow. However, there are tools that make the task more simpler for experienced webmaster. The task of site maintenance, content up gradation is much simpler.
SBI provides excellent help in the form of written as well as video Action Guides which contains explicit instructions for each action that is to be required for making the site with SBI. In case of any further query, excellent support is available in the forums.
Following are the challenges for a person desiring to make a site:
All the issues are resolved through a simple but robust interface known as 'Site Central'.
The site builder simplifies writing, editing of webpages. So, there is no need to worry about the tools, just focus on your creativity in building the website.
SBI! includes domain name analysis, search engine optimisation and registration.
SBI! announce your site to Search Engines by submitting a specialized file called a "Sitemap XML" file. Search Engine spider/listing/ranking
reports let you see how your pages are being handled by the Search Engines. You can see what pages rank best and drive traffic.
SBI sites are rich in content and are ranked high at search engines. Additionally, traffic from search engine is free. You can convert this traffic into money through google adsense or other affiliate programs.
I was toying with the idea of SBI for some time but did not had the courage to go ahead. Then I asked a question to Judd about my fears and inhibitions about SBI. He sent me two mails and I was motivated enough to join. Thanks Judd.
If you have any query about SBI, a senior advisor of SBI will promptly answer your question. Click here to Ask a Question?
Solo Build It provides an integrated package whereby all the tasks are simplified to great extent. All the help is available through action guide and the forums.
If you have the knowledge and motivation, Solo Build It not only provides a platform, it motivates you to succeed.
There is no harm in trying when you get rock solid 90 days guarantee.
Click here to Order Solo Build It