Are you looking for a yoga sequence for beginning yoga? There are so many yoga poses, yoga breathing exercises and styles of yoga that a beginner will not know how to start yoga practice.
A generalised sequence of one hour is sufficient. However, people who have spare time can spend up to one and a half hour on yoga daily. For beginners, it is recommended to start with both yoga asanas as well as paranayama. Best time for doing yoga is early in the morning. Theoretically, yogis do not take a weekly off from yoga practice, but you can do yoga at least 5 or 6 day a week for better results.
To achieve this aim, along with yoga you have to take care of your diet, control your negative emotions and try to think positive. Regular yoga practice will help you to gradually improve your mind control and keep emotions under control.
After yoga do not do any exercise, as the balance and relaxation
achieved by the body will get disturbed. Yoga is a sufficient exercise
but if
you are already following an exercise routine that you love, you can
continue that also. For example you may love to do cycling, jogging,
walking, aerobics, swimming or weight training and enjoy it too. Do
these exercises before yoga or you can do yoga in the morning and other
exercises in the evening and vice versa. For example after a strenuous
exercise like running, yoga asanas and pranayama followed by shavasana
can provide complete rest and relaxation.
I suggest you start gradually with yoga. Initially you can concentrate more on practice of rhythmic breathing, alom vilom pranayama, shava asana and yoga nidra. This will condition your body to do more difficult asanas and pranayama. Shava asana (corpse pose) itself will benefit you a lot by completely relaxing your body.
First, start warm up with free hand stretching exercises. Then do the asanas. After doing asanas, sit in padmasana, vajrasana or sukhasana for doing pranayama. If you cannot sit in padmasana, Vajrasana is also a good pose for doing pranayama. Just take care that you increase the duration of vajrasana gradually, otherwise you may get cramps. After pranayama do 'Aum' recitation 10-15 times for improving concentration.
In the end, always do shavasana for 5 to 10 minutes.
Ideal way to start yoga is under the guidance of an expert teacher. But suppose you are living in a place where yoga studios, experts are not available. Also, there can be people who may not be in a position to spend money on learning yoga. For such people a simple yoga workout sequence is compiled in the table below. This sequence contains asanas that exercises most of the parts of our body.
How to start yoga? Before beginning yoga practice, you must read about Tips for asanas, Guidelines for pranayama, How to start pranayama and Yoga diet principles.
Warm Up
Sukshma Vyayam ( Warm up movements)
Some times you may be so busy with your multiple responsibilities and may not find time for yoga practice. Do not completely stop yoga. Whenever you feel you have less time, at least take out twenty minutes and do rhythmic deep breathing, alom vilom, kapalabhati and shavasana. Some people do this much yoga and feel better.
You can also split asanas and pranayama for morning and evening practice. If you are physically fit and want to achieve fast results, you can do yoga twice once in morning and once in the evening, but do not repeat the complete sequence, repeat only some selected asanas.
Do not Hurry. Do not try to do more asanas in a hurry, instead do only few asanas but with rhythm and taking proper rest between asanas. However, during the day, if you can squeeze in 5 minutes break, lie down in shavasana (on a yoga mat put on the floor) to comfort your back. This will be an ideal form of relaxation when you feel tired.
Also, take care of your posture during the day. Try to sit erect with spine straight while working, initially you have to do some efforts, gradually you will be able to maintain correct sitting posture naturally.
For beginning yoga, in addition to yoga asanas and pranayama, proper diet, mental make up ( proper relaxation), proper sleep are also very important. Therefore follow a simple, nutritious diet without much of fatty or junk food.
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