by Betty Hoops
Betty Hoops
I host yoga hoop dance retreats. I am a trained Anusara teacher and just like Iyengar Yoga,I really focus on alignment. If there are kinks in the body, the Chi, blood, breath, oxygen won;t flow freely.
I blend spinal alignment, breath, sport training and dance into my teacher trainings and retreats. I took this of myself, just playing around with the camera. I like doing this because having only 10 seconds to get into alignment and breathe is hard yet fun to try to do. Now if I could just train my mind to relax in 10 seconds...
My dad was a chiropractor and always pointed out alignment. This came in handy when taking my yoga instructor certification. When I teach, I love to focus on moving through the poses with flex and strength. I see so many classes where the teachers rush through poses with little education in how to adjust. I think we as teachers should teach the students how to teach themselves. Then they are aware of their body and how to heal it.
Betty Hoops