Bhramri Pranayama For Melodious Voice And Concentration

During Bhramri Pranayama a sound resembling the hum of a bee is made while exhaling. In Sanskrit Bhramri means humming of a bee.


Read general guidelines for pranayama before starting this pranayama.

  • Sit on your favourite Asana (Padma asana, Vajra asana or Sukh asana) in a well ventilated room free from any distractions. Keep the waist, back, neck and spine erect. For the beginners, you can sit on a chair or sit cross legged on the yoga mat/ carpet keeping your back, neck and spine erect.
  • Cover both ears with your thumb so that you don't hear anything. Place two fingers on your eyes and two fingers on your face.


  • Inhale and fill up your lungs.
  • Now exhale slowly by making a sweet melodious sound like the sound like buzzing of a bee. Go on doing so till you are out of breath. Lengthen the exhalation as long as possible.
  • This humming sound should be at a continuous pitch, not to vary the tone or level.
  • Rest for 3 to 4 seconds and then repeat 5 times.


  • Makes voice pleasant and melodious.
  • Increases power of concentration.
  • Cures diseases of throat, and the vocal organs become strong.

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