Can Kapalbhati Be Done In Office?

by Manoj
(New Delhi)

Can kapalbhati be done in office while sitting on your seat?

It is understood that you are familiar with yoga practice and pranayama, and now you want to do kapalabhati in office hours. You can do kapalabhati or any other pranayama in office. Even if you can do pranayama for few minutes but do it in a relaxed manner, proceed slowly and do not hurry. If you are a beginner, it is better to learn it properly at first and then practice in your office.

Ensure that you sit in correct posture on a chair. The chair should be stable with a horizontal base. Sit erect keeping your spine, neck and head straight similar to sukhasana.

The room/ office should be properly ventilated. It will be better if you can find a separate room/ balcony with least disturbance/ background noises.

You can carry out pranayama in your daily wear clothing provided your clothing is not too tight.

You can do rhythmic breathing/ alom vilom before doing kapalabhati pranayama and afterwards do rhythmic breathing for few minutes to cool down your body. It will also be ideal to end your session by concentrating your mind while keeping your eyes closed. You should be able to calm your mind after each session. Even a few minutes of breathing exercises can make you feel better harmony and energy.

Whenever you can manage, you can become mindful of your breathing and breathe rhythmically sitting on your seat even while working. Just assume correct sitting posture. In this way, you can improve your awareness and benefit a lot by paying lot of attention to your breathing pattern.

You must take note of the common precautions for pranayama.

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May 15, 2017
Kapalbhati While Standing
by: Anonymous


Thanks for the insightful information. Could you please also advise if kapalbhati and anulom-vilom pranayam can be done while standing.

Many Thanks.

Editors Note
Kapalabhati is to be done while sitting in any meditative pose. If not able to sit, it can be done sitting on a chair with back and neck erect.

Hope it helps

Apr 16, 2016
can anyone send picture of posture of kapalbhati on chair
by: Anonymous

Please send picture of doing kapalabhati on chair.

Editors Note

You can sit on any chair with flat seat. Keep your head, neck and back in a straight line and feet on the ground. You can keep your hands on your thighs.

Hope this helps

Dec 06, 2015
kapalbhati doubts
by: Gohan

Can kapalbhati be done while starving like I do at 0800 A.M? My tummy makes all kind of crazy sounds while I do this. Is it ok because since starting kapalbhati I've not been able to empty my bowels.

Editors Note
Dear Gohan,
You need to take care of your digestive system before starting kapalabhati. Practice of kapalabhati does not lead to any crazy sounds in stomach if digestive system works fine for digestion of food and elimination of waste products.

Hope this helps

Aug 11, 2015
Best Sitting Position on Chair in Office
by: Anonymous

Could you please guide; What is the best sitting position to maintain the belly fat as less as possible.

Thank You

Editors Note
While sitting on a chair, you must try to keep the spine straight and do not stoop forward. Every hour or so, leave the chair and take a shot walk for improving the blood circulation.

Hope it helps

Apr 29, 2015
Good Information on Kapalabhati
by: Lokesh Kodancha


Regarding Kapalabhathi, you have given a very good information that anybody can pratice the same in office also. It is very benificial one who do not have time to spare especially in morning and evening hours.

Thanks a lot.

Apr 03, 2015
Thanks got it
by: Winlight

I cannot sit cross legged as I cannot bend my my legs more than 90 degrees due to a medical condition (Severe Hemophilia-A).

For reducing my tummy, I cannot do any hard exercises due to the same medical condition. So now I am happy to learn that Kapaalbhati can be done sitting in a chair.


Jan 13, 2013
by: Anonymous


Thanks for that. I just wanted to make sure we could do it on a chair. Thanks for laying out the ground rules on how to do it.

Just an FYI - you wrote
You can do rhythmic breathing/ alom vilom
may i just say - its anulom as opposed to alom.
Could just be a typo. I dont mean to be critical of it or anything.
Thanks for your help :)

Editors Note
Thanks for your kind words. Anulom is the correct word.. Thanks for your observation.


Oct 31, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thanks a lot. I was not getting the time to do yoga now I will do in office hours..

Editors Note
You can do yoga in office. However, please remember that doing yoga in office is no substitute for dedicated yoga practice at home or at a yoga class. You will benefit a lot if you can keep correct sitting posture while working and be aware of your breathing.

All the best.

Jul 26, 2010
Vitiligo And Pranayama
by: Anonymous

I have Vitiligo for last 10 years. I have started kapalbhati and anulom vilom 3 months back . I am feeling more energetic and I have found white patches have started getting smaller. Please advice what should by my complete prayanama and yoga schedule.


Jul 26, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thanks a lot for your valuable answer.

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