Dizziness While Doing Anulom Vilom Pranayama

by Jayprakash

I find my head feels heavy and dizziness while doing this yoga and can't do more than 2-3 minutes. I don't have any yoga teacher and I just seen in TV and started to do it. I am diabetic, 42 years old. Please suggest.


It is recommended that you stop the practice of pranayama unless you learn from a yoga teacher. Feeling of dizziness while doing anulom vilom pranayama may be due to any of the following

~ Any health problem
~ Incorrect technique
~ Holding of breath (holding of breath not recommended for beginners)
~ Fast rate of doing anulom vilom
~ Any blockage of nadis

If you are otherwise physically fit, anulom vilom practice should not make you feel dizzy. Consult your doctor and there after a yoga teacher.

Ideally you should practice yoga asanas and become comfortable with the asanas before attempting any pranayama. Therefore, first learn and practice asanas for few weeks before attempting pranayama.

Meanwhile you can try to practice aum recitation (5 minutes) followed by rhythmic breathing (5 minutes) without straining yourself. Thereafter do a shavasana for 5 minutes. Hopefully you will be able to do this and feel better. In case of any discomfort, stop the practice.

Hope this helps

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Mar 21, 2015
Anulom vilom is one of the safest pranayamas
by: Yogi Kam

Anulom vilom is one of the safest and easily done breath practices of Yoga.
I agree that there could be many factors for dizziness etc, and I rate wrong technique as the main reason. I have seen people doing it too fast, holding breath as if to make a record, exhaling or inhaling with force, doing it for long duration, etc.

Thanks Yogi Kam.

Warm regards

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