Do we gain weight if we stop doing yoga regularly?

by Sowmya

I will do yoga for weight loss. My query is do I gain weight again if I stop doing yoga? What is the exercises suggested not to gain weight after stopping yoga?

By yoga practice, I understand you mean practice of yoga ananas and pranayama. As you progress with your yoga practice, practice moderation in eating and follow yogic diet principles, you will lose weight.

Once you become perfect in yoga poses and pranayama, progress to meditation and observe the yoga yama and niyams. This will help you to seat yourself perfectly in the practice of yoga and adopt it as a lifestyle change consciously.

Yoga will aid you on path to better health and spiritual progress. Doing yoga in ON and OFF fashion will not be effective. If you are thinking of stopping yoga even before starting it, yoga may not be effective at all. Real yogis love their yoga practice, look for continuous improvement and do not think of stopping yoga.

When you stop doing yoga, initially you may feel that there is no effect on your body but your health and weight will gradually revert to a state where it was before starting yoga.

If for any reason you have reduced weight with yoga and cannot do yoga further, at least do 5-6 km walking regularly and exercise strict control on your diet to maintain your weight.

Hope you gain from yoga by losing weight.


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Jan 29, 2011
by: Anonymous

"If i am better my today compared to my yesterday, I progress...That which doesn't grow, STOPS" goes a saying. Mostly the asanas are stretches, which gives flexibility to the body. More than putting on weight, the body loses its flexibility and it would become rigid.

If we get bored with the same set of postures, probably we can rotate with another set of postures.

My answer is a big yes. The body would tend to add on weight.

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