Flexibility for doing Halasana or Plough Pose

by Harihara Prasath

Demonstration of  Halasana

Demonstration of Halasana

I used to do yoga 10 years before. For the past 10 years I did not practice yoga. But I started doing yoga for the past one week.

I am unable to take my legs to the floor(behind head) while doing halasana. I am aware because of lack of practice I am unable to do it but I would like to know how long will it take to do the complete posture of Halasana?

Thanks & Regards,
Harihara Prasath, Mumbai


Hello Harihara

It is heartening to know that you have again started your yoga practice. As you are having previous experience of yoga, it will take few weeks to regain your ability to do halasana. You have to concentrate on improving flexibility of the spine. Here are some tips for you:

  • You have to understand that flexibility reduces with age and obesity. Therefore, do not stretch your body too much, flexibility will improve gradually with regular yoga practice and diet control.

  • It is recommended that for 2-3 weeks take less of tamasik food. Eat more of raw foods, boiled vegetables, fruits, fresh fruit juices and nuts.

  • Try more repetitions of easy asanas which exercises the spine and back muscles till your flexibility improves.

  • Easy asanas for improving your flexibility can be a sequence comprising of surya namaskar, tadasana, trikonasana, pawanmuktasana, janushirasana, paschimotanasana, bhujangasana, shalabhasana,dhanurasana and any other asana you like to do.

  • Practice above listed asanas for 2-3 weeks and then try sarvanghasana and halasana. Also try to sit for more time in padmasana. If you are not able to do padmasana, it is better to take help from a yoga teacher who can personally guide you.

  • You can benefit more by increasing the number of repetitions or by increasing the duration you are holding the asana. It is recommended to use a judicious mix of number of repetitions and holding period of an asana depending on your body. Another option can be to practice yoga two times a day.

  • Practice alom vilom and bhastrika pranayama.

  • Do not forget to take adequate sleep.

Hope this helps you to do halasana perfectly and then you can share your halasana pose with the world.


Yogic Diet
Beginners Yoga Sequence

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Mar 19, 2012
trying to concieve
by: Anonymous

I have a practice of doing yoga on and off. I Used to practice yoga a year back and in the middle i stopped and went for aerobics. Now i want to continue yoga, i have started recently about 2 weeks ago. My age is 29. I am trying to conceive, but i am scared if i do yoga, i may lose my unknown pregnancy(in the early stage before missed my period). It might be my misconception, but not sure what to do? But right now I can do easy asanas like, matsyasan, sashankasan, gomukhasan, sarvangasan, utthanapadasan, and dhanurasan.
Can you please advice?
thank you

Jul 08, 2011
Trying to conceive
by: Usha


I have a practice of doing yoga on and off. I Used to practice yoga a year back and in the middle i stopped and went for aerobics. Now i want to continue yoga, i have started recently about 2 weeks ago. My age is 27. I am trying to conceive, but i am scared if i do yoga, i may lose my unknown pregnancy(in the early stage before missed my period). It might be my misconception, but not sure what to do? But right now I can do easy asanas like, matsyasan, sashankasan, gomukhasan, sarvangasan, utthanapadasan, and dhanurasan.
Can you please advice?


Oct 22, 2010
by: Anonymous

Excellent reply. I had a similar question.
Thank you very much!

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