Frequent Cold, Running Nose And Yoga

by Vikas

I had attended Shivanand Yoga Vacation course way back in 2009 for 14 days and was taught the basics there.

I never practiced seriously after that (I only jog regularly for 30 mins) but since last 6 months, I have taken up Yoga and Pranayama seriously and enjoying it too.

However, despite being healthy (43yrs), my system gets frequent break down more with cold, sore throat, congested nose and feeling of feverishness. This brings halt to my daily activity for few days before I am back up on my feet again.

I am not sure what is the trigger for this, I used to have cold once in a while before but now it is quite frequent and sudden weather changes also is a factor. I am taking amla, ginger to improve my immunity but that has not helped much.

I then analysed and possibly think I could be doing something wrong.

I jog moderately first thing in the morning for about 30 mins (sometimes one hour when I feel I have lot of energy that day). I then drink water couple of glasses due to the intense activity and then follow up with Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom. Then 6 sets of Surya Namaskar and then finally about 10 asanas which includes basic postures, sarvangasna, matyasana, paschimotasana, halasana, dhanurasana. and then ultimately 10 mins shavasan before I get ready for the day.

On a given day, when i do all this, I feel top of the world. I do not feel exhausted, normal tiredness or slight aching of legs only. But through out energetic day. The day I do not do my exercise due to cold, I feel dull and less motivated.

I suspect drinking couple of glasses of water in between may be the culprit or not enough sleep? . I work late night, cant change that but I compensate couple of afternoon hours sleep.

Sorry for the long past. Awaiting your kind comments.

Thank you


Dear Vikas

It is good that you are doing regular exercise. If you are doing yoga regularly, then it should increase your immunity over a period of time. Is cold more frequent during winters or during climate change. I can think of the following reasons:

Your immunity may be low due to a number of factors like stress, lack of rest or nutritional deficiencies.

Suggested change in routine.
Take lime juice with honey and warm water first thing in the morning. Thereafter go for jogging. After jogging restrict your water intake and drink only warm water.

Yoga routine
~ Do 6-12 sets of Surya Namaskar.
~ Shavasana for 2 minutes.
~ Do your yoga poses.
~ Shavasana for 3-4 minutes.
~ Do pranayama kapalabhati followed by anulom vilom.
~ Shavasana for 3-4 minutes.

~ In winters, do not drink cold water. Instead drink warm water throughout the day. Drink green tea or tulsi/ginger tea instead of normal tea.
~ Replace sugar with jaggery in your diet.
~ Eat some nuts daily.
~ In winters, before sleeping drink hot milk, add quarter tea spoon of powdered turmeric. Take one or two spoons of chyawanprash before taking milk. If you do not like milk, drink green tea.
~ Ensure that you eat healthy nutritious food.

Hope this helps

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Feb 05, 2016
Pranayama before yoga poses
by: Daljit

Dear Vikas

Hope you benefits from my suggestions.
1. Yoga poses are for the body and pranayama is for the mind. Yoga poses relaxes the mind and clear blockages of energy channels. After doing yoga pranayama relaxes the mind as pranayama works at energy level.
2. As you brought out, after doing anulom vilom practice, you can do meditation.
All the best and do share your progress.

Warm regards.

Feb 05, 2016
Thank you . Query about Sequence
by: Vikas

Thank you so much for your suggestions. I will implement them immediately and hopefully get some good results.

Just one query, why do you suggest pranayama after yogic exercise, I was taught the other way round ie first pranayama, then surya namaskar and then yogic postures and then savasana.

Also, one of my yogic friend says that I should be doing anulom vilom just before meditation. It aids in calming and focusing the mind faster. Not sure which sequence to follow.

Kindly advise


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