Heart Problems
by Jadav
Sir, I am having heart problems. Daily I am doing yoga 1hr in morning and evening since last 2 years. Please let me know despite of doing all this thing why i am not getting relief. I am practicing Pranayam like bhastrika for 10 minutes, Kapalabhati for 30 minutes, 30 minutes for Anulom vilom and Bhramari for 10 times.
AnswerYou have not mentioned the details of your health issue. Are you taking any medicines for your heart related issues?
1. You need to do any exercise after consultation with your doctor.
2. Kapalabhati and bhastrika is not recommended for heart patients.
3. If you are doing too much of yoga or pranayama, you may not get any benefit and you may end up stressing the body further.
4. You can practice rhythmic breathing, anulom vilom, ujjayi and bhramri pranayama.
Hope this helps