
Kamarchakrasana is ideal for flexibility of lower back. It helps fat loss from tummies and heavy hips. Read these yoga tips for beginners before starting yoga asanas.


Sit on the floor in in the sitting pose for relaxation. Now spread out both the legs as apart as possible.


  • Touch the left toe with your left hand and right toe with right hand.
  • Inhale. Then while exhaling touch left toe with your right hand, touch your forehead on the left knee. Keep the left hand behind the back. Come back to starting position while inhaling.
  • Now while exhaling touch right toe with your left hand, touch your forehead on the right knee. Keep the right hand behind the back. Come back to starting position while inhaling.
  • This completes one round.


Carry out as many rounds as possible comfortably. Take rest and repeat.


  • Improves flexibility of lower back.
  • Practice of this asana helps to perform janushirasana and paschimotanasana.
  • Helps in fat loss from abdomen area and hips.


While doing this asana, do not bend your knees, keep the feet stretched.

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