Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

Mandukasana is ideal asana for people suffering from diabetes.


Sit in vajrasana pose. Keep your back, neck and head in a straight line.


  • Place left palm covering your navel and place right palm on the left palm. Press your hands against your abdomen.
  • While exhaling, bend your head forwards trying to touch your forehead to the ground in front of you. In this position, your hands are pressing against your abdomen.
  • Hold this position as long as you can hold comfortably (ten to fifteen seconds in the beginning).
  • While inhaling come back to original position of vajra asana.

This is the starting position for mandukasana. Place your hands as shown.

This is the final position of mandukasana. If you are not able to bend fully, try to bend as much as your body permits.

This is starting position for mandukasana Part-II.


Practice four times.

Part II

Repeat the above asana by placing your hands as follows:

    Make fists of both your hands. Touch both the thumbs together and place this joint of thumbs on your navel. Both of your fists are pressed against your abdomen when you bend forwards. Repeat four times.


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  • Exercises pancreas and cures diabetes.
  • This asana provides good exercise for heart.

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