Meditation on Padmasana

by Senthil K
(Tamil Nadu, India)

I do padmasana right leg first on my left thigh and then left leg on my right thigh during meditation(I do meditation for 30 minutes). Some people say that if you do padmasana with right leg first for 10 minutes then you would have to do padmasana with left leg first for 10 minutes.

My right half of the body is stronger than my left side even my neck muscles of the right side are tighter than the left side.

For beginners, practice alternating the legs which will help them to develop evenly. The legs can also be changed if you experience pain or discomfort.

You may practice 15 minutes with right leg on left thigh and 15 minutes with left leg on right thigh. Or practice with alternate legs each day.

Regular practice of yoga must bring balance between your left and right sides of your body.

with bet regards

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