Practice Of Kapalabhati

by Jaya
(Andhra pradesh)

Kapalbhati is mostly done for all health problems including blood sugar level. I have been practising this for almost two years and my count goes up to 300 times in 15 minutes with no result in blood sugar levels. I would like to know if I am doing too much or what is the maximum number of counts one should practice?

As I understand you are doing Kapalabhati for 15 minutes and 300 exhalations.

1. Kapalabhati pranayama generates lot of energy and our body must be physically fit to do kapalabhati. You must integrate kapalabhati pranayama with practice of other asanas and pranayama.

2. Doing kapalabhati alone may not work out to be so effective.

3. You can gradually increase the repetitions of kapalabhati and there is no upper limit as such. It depends on your practice and health. You can practice as long as you feel comfortable.

4. Your health will improve with proper diet control, regular yoga practice and lifestyle changes.

Hope this helps.

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Sep 29, 2016
by: Viju

I do a couple of asanas and Suryanamaskar 6 sets and then start pranayama. 5 mins Bhastrika, 15 mins Kapalbhati and 15 mins Anulom Vinulom, 3 times Agnisar, 3 times Bahya, 3 times Ujjai,3 times Brahmari, 3 times Udgeeth. I have recently been diagnosied of Diabeties. Is what I am doing correct. Or do I have to change anything in my practice.

I would like to one day discontinue diabetic medicines by controlling diet and doing Yoga.

Can you please advise?

Editors Note
With strong will power and determination, you can manage diabetes better. Be regular in your yoga practice and also walk for at least an hour. But do not walk after doing yoga, you can do walk before yoga.

I need to know, 3 times of each pranayama means 3 breaths or three sets.

Also you can provide more details by filling up the yoga therapy consultation form.

Hope it helps

Aug 08, 2016
Fibromyalgia and Kapalbhati
by: Anonymous

I practice pranayama in morning and evening. Kapalbhati 3 rounds increasing from 20/30/40 to 30/40 /50. 400 e & anulom vilom for 7 rounds each time.
I was given this practice by my Ayurvedic doctor in India who I just spent 2 months working with.
I recently started seeing a Chinese medicine doctor and getting acupuncture since not much ayurvedic is available. He told me the pranayama was heating up the area around my heart...and that the energy I was building up was not getting distributed around the body and that I should at least stop Kapalabhati. So I stopped for two weeks and now I have no energy. Can you please advise?

Editors Note
It is not possible to advise based on the information you have given here. In case you are not physically fit and have energy blockages, kapalabhati may not be good for you. I suggest start with yoga asanas for a month and then start kapalabhti under guidance. In case you need specific help, please contact me through contact us form on my site.

Hope this helps

Jul 29, 2015
Practice of Kapalbhati to Control Diabetes

I am doing 4200 strokes of kapalabhati in 30 minutes to control diabetes. Is it o.k. and shall it be benefited or nor?

Editors Note

1. You are doing at a very fast rate. For a healthy person, the rate of exhalations should not exceed 2 exhalations per second.
2. Kapalabhati practice must be integrated with a balanced yoga sequence of various asanas and pranayama. Doing kapalabhati alone is not recommended.
You can read about weight loss with kapalabhati only.

Hope this helps

Feb 01, 2015
My kapalbhati & anulom vilom practice
by: Anonymous

I practice pranayama in morning and evening. Kapalbhati score 400 each time & anulom vilom score 50 each time. Is it ok for creat control, hair growth & blood sugar. Kindly answer urgently.

Editors Note

For using yoga as a therapy, you need to get a yoga sequence from a yoga teacher. Practicing yoga on your own can lead to more problems.

Warm regards

Aug 18, 2013
by: bhumika

Which one should I do first?
kapalbhati or suryanamaskar.

Editors Note
Hello Bhumik

First do suryanamaskar and other asanas and then do kapalabhati.

Warm regards

Nov 18, 2011
Rate of Kapalbhathi
by: Koundinya

Normally 50 to 60 times per Minute for Kapalbhathi is ideal.

Jun 26, 2010
hi all
by: Anonymous

i feel walk of 5 km daily will keep good enough to maintain sugar level normal

Jun 26, 2010
this is what i feel
by: Anonymous

Even I also check sugar level after doing kapalbhati total 1000 exhalations in 20 min before it was 210 and after it was 205 mg/dl. I follow procedure as below
1. bhastrika pranayam 10 times
2. kapal bhati 1000
3. anulom vilom 25 times
4. brhamri udgeeth

After that vajraaasan for 10 min and manduk asana.

I feel a hour walk is more beneficial sugar level before walk 203 and after that it was 156. It is just my own experience.

May 12, 2010
by: Sundar Rajan

Along with kapalbhati you should do surya namaskar (sun salutations) which gives you a full body work out for best results.

May 12, 2010
by: B.Sravam Kumar (Hyderabad) A.P

When we do Kapalbhati, along with it other Pranayama breathing are compulsory. Do them along with it. Time and count is not a big factor, doing daily is a big factor.

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