Practice Of Kapalabhati
by Jaya
(Andhra pradesh)
Kapalbhati is mostly done for all health problems including blood sugar level. I have been practising this for almost two years and my count goes up to 300 times in 15 minutes with no result in blood sugar levels. I would like to know if I am doing too much or what is the maximum number of counts one should practice?
AnswerAs I understand you are doing Kapalabhati for 15 minutes and 300 exhalations.
1. Kapalabhati pranayama generates lot of energy and our body must be physically fit to do kapalabhati. You must integrate kapalabhati pranayama with practice of other asanas and pranayama.
2. Doing kapalabhati alone may not work out to be so effective.
3. You can gradually increase the repetitions of kapalabhati and there is no upper limit as such. It depends on your practice and health. You can practice as long as you feel comfortable.
4. Your health will improve with proper diet control, regular yoga practice and lifestyle changes.
Hope this helps.