Pranayama and Horton's Syndrome
by Simmi
I am recently diagnosed with horton's syndrome and I wish to know the best pranayama to do to increase oxygen to the brain much faster. The alternative is for me to have a oxygen tank but I want to do natural pranayama. Please help.
I know kapalabhati and anuloma viloma through my Sivananda yoga training.
Om Namath Sivananda
AnswerAll the pranayama will increase oxygen to the brain. I will not be able to quantify the increase of oxygen by various pranayama, but kapalabhati pranayama is good for improving the amount of oxygen.
As you are have learnt kapalabhati and anulom vilom, you can focus on these two pranayama. Initially you can do 2-3 rounds of kapalabhati and 10 minutes of anulom vilom. Gradually you can increase the number of rounds of kapalabhati and the duration of anulom vilom. In addition, you can practice yoga poses, rhythmic deep breathing and Aum recitation.
Also focus on the quality of breathing. With more pranayama practice your breath will become deeper and quality of breathing will improve thereby providing you more oxygen. You can also have short sessions of deep breathing 3-4 times in a day.
In addition to pranayama, healthy yogic diet and stress reduction with yogic practices will also be beneficial. Practice meditation daily and yoga nidra twice or thrice a week for complete relaxation.
I wish you good health and hope you will share your experiences with us.
Warm regards