Recommendation For Blood Clots?

by Melinda

What may help dissolve a femoral vein blood clot? Coumadin is prescribed, but I hope asana, meditation and pranayam may help heal more safely and permanently.

Please advise.

Thank you in advance.

Hello Melinda

I will not be able to give you appropriate advice online. It is recommended to follow up your doctors advice. In case your doctor permits you to do yoga, consult a yoga teacher locally who can recommend a yoga sequence based on your present health.

Once your blood clot dissolves, you must start yoga asanas and pranayama. It can prevent recurrence of such problems.

In addition, you can start with
~ alom vilom (while starting alom vilom start by inhaling first from left nostril)
~ practice shava asana and yoga nidra for relaxation.
~ try 'aum' recitation as a simple meditation and it improves concentration.

With warm regards

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