Shitkari Pranayama Cools During Summer Heat

Shitkari Pranayama cools the body and quenches thirst. Read general guidelines for pranayama before starting this pranayama.


  • Sit on your favourite Asana ( Padma asana, Vajra asana or Sukh asana) in a well ventilated room free from any distractions. Keep the waist, back, neck and spine erect. For the beginners, you can sit on a chair or sit cross legged on the yoga mat/ carpet keeping your back, neck and spine erect.
  • Keep your hand in gyan mudra (press your first finger against the thumb and keeping other three fingers straight) on the knees.


  • Fold the tongue so that the tip of the tongue might touch the upper palate.
  • Draw in the air through the mouth with the hissing sound "SSSSS". The air flows over your tongue.
  • Now, bring your tongue inside the mouth and retain breath as long as you are comfortable.
  • Exhale slowly through both nostrils.


  • Do this pranayama 10 to 20 times.
  • Shitkari pranayama can be done while standing/ walking also.
  • You can practice this pranayama in the morning as well as in the evening during the summer season.


  • Purifies blood.
  • Quenches thirst.
  • Cools body.
  • Makes you more beautiful.
  • Reduces high blood pressure.
  • Helps to cure acidity, indigestion and fever.
  • Reduces the effect of poison, snake bite.


  • This pranayama is prohibited for low blood pressure patients.
  • Heart and asthma patients should not hold breath.
  • Do not practice this pranayama in winters.
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