by P.G.M.Tharakan
(New Delhi)
I want to know is it possible to do yoga after water therapy.
I drink 5 glasses of water in the early morning (5.00 AM) before brushing. I am a diabetic patient for last 4 years. Please tell me can I start yoga after water therapy.
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Thanks for your e-mail. I am happy to say that, your web page help me to control my diabetes.
I got my answer from your site, so I woke up early in the morning (5.00 AM) and drink 5 glasses of water and after 30 minutes, I start yoga.
Thanks once again for your help.
PGM Tharakan
Hello Mr Tharakan
Congratulations for getting over your diabetes. Thanks for sharing your experience. Our site visitors can benefit more if you can share more details of your yoga routine which was effective in controlling diabetes.
All the best