Yoga For Skin Glow

by Keerthana Nataraj Venkatachalapathy
(Tamilnadu, India)

I am a teenager. Two years before, I was really fat. As I was just fifteen, I was 52 kilos of weight. That was not overweight, and also that wasn't low. But I really had a bad time. When I did cardiovascular and strength training, I had many problems like leg pain, tiredness, strokes and more and more. Then I started dieting seriously for a month. Then I had problems like headache, stomach pain, vomiting, ulcer, problems in vision and decrease in memory power.

I heard about yoga for weight loss. I did Surya Namaskar for eight rounds, Bhujangasana, Halasana, Ashtangasana, Trikonasana and Ashtanga Yoga for one hour. I included five types of Pranayama breathing exercises. I did them for 40 minutes daily. I drank a glass of beetroot and orange juice daily. I drank half litre of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach and drank nearly four liters of water. Normally, I sleep just for 5 to 6 hrs. But after I started doing yoga, I got 8 to 9 hrs of peaceful sleep. I had greens soup daily. I cleansed skin with milk in the morning and applied moisturiser with sunscreen of SPF 24.

But now, in college, I am 49 kilos and 164 cm. I just have turned very bright. I have glowing skin. Everyone ask me that how much I spend on lightening creams and beauty treatments. I feel so happy and thank you yoga very much.

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May 27, 2016
Good change!
by: Anonymous

Great!!Keep going!

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