Yoga or Walking Which Is Better
by Nagesh
Sir. I am regularly walking for 45 minutes and doing basic yoga asanas for 30 minutes. I want to know which is more beneficial. If yoga is better than walking I can spend more time in doing asanas.
AnswerYoga asanas and walking both are beneficial for health. Yoga practice is different from exercise. For a person with sedentary lifestyle, walking for 30 min to 45 minutes is very good exercise. On the other hand yoga practice provides you with much desired relaxation and rejuvenating the mind body complex.
I suggest you continue with your present routine and gradually develop your yoga practice further. If you can devote more time, you can start pranayama also.
Yoga asanas and walking keep the body physically fit while pranayama helps to increase the pranic energy, releases stress and makes our mind calm. You can start with deep breathing and anulom vilom pranayama. Make sure that you learn the correct technique of doing pranayama.
Gradually develop your asana practice by learning new asanas or increasing gradually the time for holding of asanas.
Hope this helps.
Warm regards