Yoga Practice : Dr Radha Narayanan

by Dr Radha Narayanan
(Bangalore, India)

I started yoga since I was so low on energy that I could not do conventional gym exercises or even brisk walking. I would get fatigued so easily. After doing yoga sessions as given on your site, I started to get some energy into my body and also a feeling of calmness.


Editors Note
I am glad to know that you have benefited by yoga practice. Please be regular in your yoga practice to deepen your practice and get more benefits. All the best.


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Feb 19, 2012
Yoga And Menses
by: Anonymous

Hi Daljit!!
Are there asanas to lessen menstrual cramps & premenstrual tension.Please let me know.

Editors Note
Hello Radha

A regular yoga practice of at least one hour is required. If you continue your practice for few months, gradually you will find relief.

Your yoga practice must consist of yoga asanas, pranayama and yoga nidra.

Asanas recommended are Surya Namaskar, Bhujang asana, Shalabh asana, Dhanurasana, Matasyasana
Ushtrasana, Janushirasana, Paschimotanasana and Vajrasana. With sufficient practice you can attempt Sarvanghasana and Halasana.

Practice Alom Vilom, Ujjayi and Bhramri pranayama.

Practice yoga nidra for deep relaxation.

If possible learn yoga under the guidance of a yoga expert. It will make the learning curve shorter.

Hope this helps

Warm regards

P.S Please feel free to contact me if you have any other query.

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